Azar Nafisi – Iranian Intellectual

Azar Nafisi is the author of numerous memoirs, including the New York Times bestseller Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books.  Born in Iran, Azar Nafisi received her Ph.D in English and American Literature at the University of Oklahoma.  Afterwards, Azar Nafisi returned to Iran and taught at the University of Tehran, the Free Islamic University, and Allameh Tabatabaii.

As an Iranian intellectual, Azar Nafisi had numerous restrictions placed on her -including being banned from teaching after refusing to wear an Islamic veil.  Azar Nafisi emigrated to the United States in 1997 and is currently a visiting Fellow and Lecturer at the Foreign Policy Institute of Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies.
Azar Nafisi’s newest memoir is Honeymoon in Tehran.

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